The first edition of the OBJEKTspektrum magazine, the renowned German language professional journal for software engineering and management, was published in March 1994.

Since the summer of 2021, the magazine appears under the name of IT Spektrum.
IT Spektrum provides reliable background information, and information on trends and experiences on software management, architecture and engineering issues. It informs you how technical and financial advantages can be gained with the aid of modern software technology. The editorial team inspects all the articles submitted in terms of their quality and relevance and thus guarantees that the readers' expectations concerning quality and neutrality are fulfilled. Each edition is devoted to a special topic with two to three articles that address this topic respectively. The magazine is regularly supplemented by online specials with "hot topics".

IT Spektrum is published every two months.

A special log-in for subscribers also enables them to download the issues,
a) in PDF-Format and b) as an App-version.