Building Event Streaming Microservices with Spring Boot and Apache Kafka

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Du willst mehr über New Cloud Native Development Practices erfahren? Dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig! Verpasse nicht Deine Chance kostenfrei und bequem von Zuhause bei unserem Talk auf der Software Architecture Alliance mit dabei zu sein.

Wann? Am 06. Oktober ab 12:40 Uhr

Wie? Ganz bequem online, von Zuhause oder unterwegs

Das Angebot endet am 05. Oktober um 12:00 Uhr, also nicht zu lange mit der Anmeldung warten! Wir freuen uns auf Dich!

Was Dich genau erwartet:

Developing cloud native microservices introduced us to many new challenges. One of the most difficult is to build reliable microservices integrations and their data exchange patterns. In this session I will share my 10 years of experience with building microservices and application runtime platforms with some of the largest European organisations. I will introduce basic principles of developing Java Spring Boot with Apache Kafka. These patterns can be used for: microservices communication decoupling, implementing microservices state stores, avoiding dependencies on traditional database systems.

This session is targeted for developers who are interested in learning new cloud native development practices and understanding how event streaming microservices improve their current work. Demo application code will be available to participants.

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