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Best practices for meeting critical eDiscovery challenges
Bereich: Whitepaper
Today’s organizations are facing sweeping changes in the area of eDiscovery as new and continuing requirements dictate what, when, how, why, and even the type of information that must be preserved and produced. These demands are occurring globally, in step with advancing technology, explosive data growth, the adoption of social media, and pressure to meet evolving legal and regulatory requirements. Mobile access also plays a role, as users connect more and more via networks, the cloud, laptops, and handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets.
At the center of these shifts, organizations are striving to increase visibility into eDiscovery processes and costs to improve outcomes and streamline IT processes by not only engaging earlier in the information lifecycle, but also by leveraging technology assisted discovery to accomplish more in less time and at a lower cost.
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Hewlett-Packard GmbH