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Executing Data Privacy-Compliant Data Projects - A Guide for Data Teams

Bereich: Whitepaper

In today’s landscape with data privacy laws cropping up worldwide, some data teams have become paralyzed by uncertainty in how to navigate this new world. This guidebook is meant to help data teams negotiate tricky waters, assisting everyone - from the data analyst to data scientist and IT professional - in developing insights that move their organization forward in getting value out of data without compromising individuals’ privacy (which is, ultimately, important not only to those individuals, but to the businesses themselves whose livelihood depends on the trust of their users).

This guidebook often mentions the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) given that it is currently one of the most thorough and widely relevant (both in terms of geographical influence and depth of defense of user data privacy). However, note that many of the data privacy regulations currently being drafted - including those in several states in the United States - will be similar in scope and depth to GDPR. This guide is meant to be applicable for data teams working on projects under GDPR, but also under any similar constraint of data privacy where personal data (see terms below) must be protected.

Lesen Sie mehr dazu in dem entsprechenden White Paper, welches Ihnen von unserem Partner Dataiku zur Verfügung gestellt wird.

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