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Pivotal Practices: Application Transformation
Bereich: Whitepaper
Most of the world’s developers work on legacy applications: products and services that have been built, maintained, and updated over long periods of time. Pivotal customers who want to move to the cloud often have a complex legacy app portfolio that is tightly coupled and sparsely documented.
Large organizations also develop layers of manual processes designed to minimize risk and ensure compliance. As a result, software releases are often infrequent, high-ceremony events that require heroism and brute force.
Read this white paper and learn how your legacy portfolio can be gradually transformed to cloud-native in order to incrementally reduce time, cost, and operational inefficiencies while maintaining security, resilience, and compliance.
You'll learn about how updating and automating processes, in parallel with transforming apps, will reduce the pain and risk of continuously releasing changes while still meeting enterprise-grade requirements.
Authored by:
Matt Russell
Head of App Transformation at Pivotal Software
Bereitgestellt von:
Pivotal Software